Monday, March 1, 2010


Been waiting all day for March to come in like a Lion, but its sunny, warm, about 50 degrees so I guess the Lamb won out! I just feel happy and smiling today. I find a challenge in the things that move me through the many floors of my life! Like they say "The past is over---wipe the dirt off your feet." As soon as I master the challenge, I am ready for the next challenge. I learned to type, then I learned short-hand ( I know, what's that?) On to knitting argyle sox's for my boy friend, but by the time I finally mastered that challenge, I had been through many, many, many boy friends before I finally finished them. Next crocheting....I made a real Afghan. I learned to sew, everything from Halloween costumes, to prom dresses , always made two alike when the twins were little. Made one of the girls a wedding dress. Too many quilts to count. Easter dresses and dance costumes for the grandchildren. SOOOO give me a challenge and I will sew it. I write, make jewelry, draw, paint , play bridge, which is one of the biggest challenges I've ever faced and still am facing........I will not give up. I danced, play the piano, skied, swam, ice skated, bowled, water skied. I even learned to cut men's hair because we were so poor when we got married. In the 30 years we were married my husband seldom went to a REAL barber, and it seemed there were always others wanting a cut or trim. Hey, the price was right so they never complained. I took the Real Estate course and passed, but that wasn't for me. Yes, I am always up to a new learning to work the computer, email, cell phone, blog, text......this modern world is killing me! One challenge I am still working! Oh well, nobodies perfect. I'm grateful today for the nice weather..........finally.

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