Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just Reframe It.

All of life seems to be about ying or yang.........Good or bad, right or wrong. You get a challenge and you answer it. We learn early in life, our life is not all sunshine and roses, and we need some bad along with the good to appreciate good....I learned in my NLP course you can fix many things by reframing them so when an angry person calls you the B---- word, just reframe it! In your mind say: Yes I am a Babe---In---Total---Control of---Herself, or I am Beautiful---Intelligent---Talented---Charming---Hell of a woman, or Beautiful---Individual---That---Can--- Handle anything. I think I like the last one best. Smile back at the person and say you are right....there goes their anger. Every time I start to feel like a victim I think, what can I do to reframe this situation? On a cold, cloudy, stormy day.....don't moan, reframe. Just think I have a warm house, a cupboard full of food and a tv. Enjoy the day, tomorrow the sun will shine. So I will try and always remember, reframe, reframe, reframe. You can put a plain old black frame around the problem, or and old fashion ornate frame or a gold eye catching frame. You choose. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain." CTR......Choose the Right. Today I am grateful to have the freedom to choose what is best for me.

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