Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Drug Problem

How many of you had a drug problem growing up? Come on, think about it........I did. My whole family had a drug problem.
My mother was probably the biggest druggie. When we children were young she drug us to family dinners with boring relatives. To church, to weddings and funerals, to community socials no matter the weather. To our brother and sisters school and talent functions. We were not drug by our ears as some children reported. We were drug over and soundly sat on a chair if we were disrespectful to adults, teachers or each other. We did not have a woodshed so our father never drug us out there for punishment, I was always thankful for that. You knew you would be drug out and punished if you told a lie or brought home a really bad report card. You were drug home from a play time to do chores or help weed the garden. My father had four daughters and could not understand why he always had to drag someone in to do the dishes after the evening meal. Seems mother had to drag my brother in for hair cuts, to bath and change his underwear and socks regularly. To spend time doing homework. I remember my father drug my little sister into the kitchen and washed her mouth out with soap for saying a swear word.........and when he finished she told him that all the bad words were gone! He felt worse about it than she did.
"Those drugs are still in my veins and they affect my behavior in everything I do, say or think. They are stronger than cocaine, crack or heroin and, if today children had this kind of drug problem, America would be a better place." What am I grateful for today? God bless the parents who drugged me.............

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