Friday, March 12, 2010

Special Day

Today was a special day for me. My second to the youngest grandchild came in fromVernal to spend the day with me and his aunt Karrie. Kennedy's family moved to Vernal four years ago and took Kennedy, but I don't think his heart went with him.........he gets very lonesome for his gram and the Cook family with fun cousins. He is a beautiful blond, blue eyed little boy. Well not too little, he is as tall as his grandma. He will be 12 years old next month, so was 8 when they moved. The two older brothers settled right in, but Kennedy is still working on it. His Dad gave him money and told him to take Aunt Karrie and I to lunch. We let him choose. We figured it would be McDonalds, but they have one in Vernal, so he choose "Hot Dog on a Stick". After eating at the mall, he wanted to shop, so off to the game store. He fell in love with a Sponge Bob Wii game, so we bought it for him for next months birthday...........we got lots of smiles, and thank yous. Life isn't very easy for Ken. He has a learning disability and stutters, which makes life a little tough at times. Sometimes a little TLC and special time with the ones that love you lots goes a long ways. Besides we all know "It takes a family.......grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc........ to raise a child." Kar and I wrote down our phone numbers and told him to call us whenever he got lonesome. It really made Grams Day great, I hope it made Kennedy's day great too. I also hope we have lots more special days together as he grows up.

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