Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Believe

I don't know why, but I just believe in the hand of fate in our lives. I believe like the Navajo Indians do that every thing that happens to us is intertwined or interwoven together to make our lives as they are suppose to be or destined to be.....rather beyond our control. I know sometimes things look like coincidence or miracles. Why was I there at just that moment? A few seconds more or less have saved me from a bad mishap. Things I can't explain.
Then there are the "Why,s" and "What If's" that just can't seem to be explained. Yes, we have choices , but I think the final destination of each of us has been set into motion long before the choice is presented to us. Each relative, family member, friend, or mate has been put into our lives for a reason. A reason we may not at first understand. We need to stop, take a step back and accept it. It may be an inconvenience to us, a bad neighbor, a bad boss, bad mate, bad choice in church or political leader. You may feel these bad times are about you, but if you can be patient you will realize the choices are to teach the boss, leader, neighbor or mate a lesson. Just be patient, humble and take the wait and see attitude. A troublesome child is a wonderful teacher. God is fair, never doubt what goes round comes round eventually. I say these things because at the time of my divorce, you never could have convinced me down the road a few years my life would be a 100 percent better. I guess I just had to go through the hurt, heartache and rejection to learned the lessons I have learned. As I have said before........God doesn't give you the people you want, he gives you the people you NEED to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be. I have gratitude in my heart for all the people sent to make me a better person.

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