Saturday, March 20, 2010

First day of spring

First day of Spring......Yes! Sun shinning bright, it is a little cool but the brave little bulbs are peeking out already. I really think spring is my favorite time of the year, soooooo tired of winter. AND.......I got a call from my oldest granddaughter Tiffany, who left yesterday for a cruise with her boyfriend's family. "Grandma, Scott ask me to marry him, I'm, engaged". "Why are you crying?" "Me ,Because I am so happy for you!" I guess Scott ask Rob if he could marry his daughter so they have known for a couple of weeks. They love Scott and are excited. Also the twins and Annie got home from a girls shopping trip to LA. They brought me an out of the world bracelet, they do so spoil me. Got the bug to spruce up my kitchen. I'm starting with painting and staining the kitchen table and chairs. Will meet with a counter man Monday and another one on Tuesday. Can't rush into something this big and need two or three bids, before I'm convinced I can afford it. If I was still traveling it would never happen, but seems I'm dry-docked, no one to travel with anymore so got a little extra now. Well, what am I greatful for today? A new member will be added to our already great family...............

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