Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day

St Patrick's Day originated as a Roman Catholic holy day, the death date of the saint (March 17) and turned slowly into parades, partying and wearing green. "The color green is a serious multitask er. It speaks for St Patrick's Day and blooming spring, tranquility, jealousy, healthy food and greed.......all at once." We see green everyday in everything. Grass, flowers, healthy food is green food, money is green, when we think of a vacation it could be green tropics, jungles and green water. Green is second only to blue as a favorite color, says Kate Smith a color consultant for big business, fashion and design. So get out your green today and have a Happy St Patrick's Day.
March 17, is also celebrated in our family as a special day. 31 years ago my first daughter was married, no they didn't all wear green. It was a fun and special day and 31 years later I am enjoying my first grandchildren she gave me. Tiffany is 27, Nicole 24 and William 19. They are the joy of my life and constantly surprise me with their wonderful accomplishments. Happy anniversary Rob and Pam...........Today I am grateful for the fun Pannier family and all their love.

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