Friday, March 5, 2010

Mom liked you Best.

I'm the short one next to my father. The oldest of four girls and finally a baby brother. I was about 19 here, Joan 16.....tall and slender. Dixie Lee 11, Leslie Ruth 9 and Jimmy Dick 6. A fun and happy family. My mother was from Mancos, Colorado and my father from Prescott, Arizona. They settled in Mancos on the old Wetheral Ranch, the people that discovered Mesa Verde National Park. Later we moved to town in the big white house on the corner. As I grew up we all thought and expressed regularly and vocally, "Mother likes you best!" This mother had the nack of making each one of us feel very important and special. Down deep we knew she loved us all the same, but could not help accuse her of having favorites........pleasssssssse can I? Go ask your father. Poor Dad got drug into our arguments and they usually came to a unanimous agreement of yes or no. I wouldn't trade those growing up days for anything in the world. What a learning experience and I loved my family dearly. I still do many years later, I am sad to say my parents and two of my little sisters are no longer with us, but the memories I have carry me on. So if you hear this over and over from your kids, or feel it in your heart about your family, at least you know your not alone. STILL......i think Mom liked me best!!!!!!!

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