Monday, March 15, 2010

Cleaning House

It's that time of year again when it's my turn to have the bridge club at my house. I belong to two bridge clubs. One night one with desert served at the end of the evening. Thank goodness Costco is close by and they have very nice deserts. And a day bridge where you fix lunch before. Thank goodness with eight people and skipping a month or two for some reason, my turn for each club comes only once a year. That means twice a year my house gets it's corners cleaned. The night bridge is the easiest because at night you don't see the dirty windows, comb webs and dust, or they are more easily concealed. But the day bridge takes two weeks to clean the patio, the mirrors, and the corners. You try to have a real delicious lunch, to keep them from too close inspection of the corners and of course a good wine helps too. I love all the girls in the club and I have belonged to the night club since my oldest daughter was small, like 45 years ago. Once a month we catch up on how the kids, grand kids and in some cases great-grand kids are doing. Nice time to brag a little. Five of the eight are now without a mate so we have bonded in "singleism" and compare note and support each other. We really talk more than play bridge and it seems we are going home earlier and earlier in our later years! I am grateful today for such good, long time friends and hope we have many more years together.

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