Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring Ahead

Well, here it is that time of year again when we lose one hour of sleep. Tonight I will try and remember to run around the house setting all the clocks up one hour. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do!
Everyday I learn something new and I really LOVE this idea. It is the Japanese art of "Wabi-Sabi." Wabi-Sabi is a term from Japanese that describes the beauty found in :"Imperfection!" The Japanese artist will leave an imperfection in a picture, a bump in the glaze on a vase, a rough spot on a carving, as a reminder of the wabi-sabi nature of isn't perfect. WABI-SABI knows all life is in a constant state of change, and that decay and aging is a definite part of all life.
Through the centuries, wabi-sabi has come to mean an approach to life and art that is in harmony with nature, one that recognizes the impermanence of life. Lori Erickson suggests ways to incorporate wabi-sabi into your life: 1. Use what you have, don't always feel the need to keep buying. 2. Make wabi-sabi friends. Have friends who care less about keeping house, they can teach you something about putting things in perspective and valuing spending time with people over tidiness. 3. Cook receipts from your childhood. Think of your Mom as you cook them and remind yourself that families are rich in tradition. 4. Relax your house keeping standards. The world won't end if the furniture is a little dusty and things not as neat as they could be. 5. Practice the art of hanging out. Give yourself permission to ignore the clock and to just focus on people you love. 6. When you drink tea.....drink tea. Don't try to multi-task. Live fully in the moment. 7. Remember that life doesn't go on forever! It may end tomorrow......or not. It's later than you think. Your moments of joy will pass so will your pains and sorrows. Live them, learn their lessons and let them go. I say yes, to a wabi-sabi way of life. Today I am grateful I have "7" clocks to set ahead tonight.......oh yes, and a watch.

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