Thursday, March 25, 2010

Words from the Wise

I just have to vent! In all my days of government doings, this Health Bill that Obama and Pelosi badgered their way through seems to be the path to living under a government controlled world for us. Who will pay for it and the debt he is incurring? My poor grandchildren and great-grand children. We do not have wise people as leaders anymore. I found the following list that I feel tells us what real wise people generally are. Wise people are: Grateful, Live disciplined and principled lives. Are honed by adversities. Thirst for knowledge and understanding. Exhibit discernment and good judgement. Have uncommon, common sense. Are reflective and introspective. Exemplify self-sufficiency. Seek balance in all things. Are altruistic and seek common good. They are humble and caring. Our leaders should be chosen from the above list and have experience in leadership, running businesses, budgets and not just big mouths and lots of money. Wise people know you can't help others without love....who do our politicians love besides themselves? Our present leaders are the most unwise, uncaring, self-centered bunch of people I know. To bad we can't make the above ingredients into a vaccine and give to Obama and his little group!
If we go back to our native culture for wise people , one Navajo called White Elk, tells us wisdom is possible only when the mind and the feelings come together. "To be wise means one must plan ahead----think of possibilities and plan for them. It is knowing what to do and what not to do. It involves choices." Each day I see the government taking more of choices away.......I am sad.

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