Friday, March 19, 2010

Another Special Day

What a lucky grandmother, two special days in the same week. This is my youngest grandchild Scottie Cook with my sweet little dog Gigi. I picked Scott up at school today as his mother was out of town and Dad was busy. He is always so excited to see his Gram and we have a great time together. I gave him an after school treat and of course we had to play "old maid" which he always wins. I love it when he spends the night, but tonight it was off to a little friends house for dinner. His mom will be home in the morning. Scott is eight years old and the youngest of my 9 grandchildren. I am trying to keep him my baby, but in no way does he want to be any ones baby. He is handsome, smart and very busy. He loves life and goes full speed 24-7. He loves hot pockets and ice cream. He swims, plays succor, basket ball and golf. he never takes "No" for an answer and can argue his side into the wall. I can hardy wait to see what he chooses for his future, he would make a good lawyer. He loves my gigi and his two dogs, Marley and Izzy. I am thankful for the times I have with Scottie and hope he will always remember the good times he has had with his Gram and tell his children about me someday. I lived close to my Mother's parents and remember so many wonderful times with my " grandparents." I am grateful today for the wonderful grandparents I had living up the street from me when I was growing up.

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