Thursday, March 11, 2010


Every woman loves a new purse! My twin daughters, Sherrie and Karrie are "bag ladies", so to speak. It all started when they went to a expo in Las Vegas and saw some purses they liked. They got a better deal on them if they bought a hundred dollars worth, so they did. With the extras they came back and had a purse party for their friends. It was such a big hit, they now go back to market a couple of times a year on a buying trip. They show them at boutiques, purse parties, and have a line at a local hair salon. People knock on the door to get a birthday present, mother's days present, Christmas present and the family love having firsts on their shipments. Now days purses come in every color, size and shape. People of all sizes, shapes and tastes can always find the perfect purse for any occasion. In my early years of life, I had a medium sized black purse for Fall and Winter. Then about Easter time I got a white purse for Spring and Summer. Life was so simple then, choices in my price range was easy. Now I wish you would see what I am carrying! The girls insist I keep up with new trends and "advertise" for them. I have really stepped out of the box and my latest is a BIG bag, beige, covered in ruffles, you know I really like it and get all kinds of compliments on it! What am I grateful for today? I have these sweet girls, who aren't letting their mother become an old fuddy-duddy.

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