Friday, March 26, 2010


Today I went to my Aunt Frankie's funeral. She would have been 99 the 13th of June. She was a year older than my mother who has been dead for 40 years. She and my mother had babies 9 days apart and my cousin Lucille and I grew up 18 miles apart. No old friends of Aunt Frankie were at the funeral today, they have all died. It was her wonderful daughter and son and her grandchildren and great-grandchildren that gathered to remember and pay tribute to her memory. She had 10 grandchildren, 28 great grandchildren and four great-great grandchildren, which made a nice group. Lucille and I share the same grandparents on my mother's side. Her father was my mother's big brother. I loved Aunt Frankie and have some fun childhood memories of her and she will be buried in Mancos, Colorado where all our family is buried. As I look at my family tree, my two sets of grand-parents, my parents and my four siblings, my heart is filled with love and happiness that I am connected to so many wonderful people. I feel very lucky to have a family tree that I am part of. I have lost my parents and two sisters which leaves a hole in my heart but I have three daughters and nine grandchildren at this point in my life........Twelve nieces and nephews with mates and children. I'm not sure I want to live to be 99, but I know in the years I have left here on earth I have a wonderful family connection with many people that love me. I was impressed with the love I felt with Aunt Frankie's family today..........she will be missed. Today I am grateful to be a part of a big family.

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