Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm a Joiner

I have always joined every club that would have me I think. In High School there were the usual Cheering Club, Choral group, Spanish Club and the Rainbow Girls. On into college and the soriety thing, dance club etc. When I got married I was tied down with a baby and for a few years didn't join as much. I did belong to the National Guard Wives and a couple of night bridge clubs. We always traveled and I soon become obsessed with getting to 100 countries in the world so I could belong to the "100 Countries Country Club." I made it by the time I was 70 and have since added another 20 or so. But probably the club I am most proud of is: "The Mother's of Twins Club..........where God picks the members!" Quit exclusive and not everyone can belong. My twin girls Sherrie and Karrie are identical, even mirror imagine twins. Sher is right handed, Kar is left handed, so when they face each other they are using the same hand. I don't attend meetings any more as they both have families of their own.........I still belong. I joined a knitting club. "Witty Knitters", A prayer shawl ministry group who knit shawls for those in need of them. A group that have traveled round the world together and the special coffee club bunch. I was in an investment group, but quit when they kept losing money. Belonged to a book club, but they readfaster than I do and I was always behind! A friend and I started a "Red Hat Group" at the local Senior Citizen Center, but my red hat wore out. Guess I am a joiner and a quitter of clubs, but met many nice people and have lots of fun memories. Today I am grateful for my sweet family who take very good care of me.

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