Friday, February 26, 2010

Under the weather

Been ignoring my blog, just haven't felt up to it. I don't do sick well, so hope this is just a short process. When I need help, I go to my angels. My angels have been named for me......some are male and some are female. Angelina, Dominic, Raquel, Jophiel, Chanuel and Arid. Now I don't have to just say, hey you. It is very comforting if you believe in angels. Also my sister promised she would always be there for me after she died of cancer and I was to just watch for the signs. We decided pennies would be the answer. Now, when I find a penny or coin I immediately feel she is close by and helping me navigate through my life. On my 70th birthday, my three daughters and I went to lunch at Trolly Square, it was a cold rainy April day. Right by the front door in a puddle of water were 7 pennies! A coincidence? To an outsider maybe, but to me and the family Jo was with us that day. I find many pennies in strange places and always feel Jo is close by. Even my grandchildren get excited when they find a penny, knowing Aunt Jo left it for them. Our angels are there for us and will help us through anything, we just have to ask!!! Happy Birthday today to my second grandson who turns 17, wow he was a cute baby............and still is.

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