Saturday, February 13, 2010

Perfect World-----Real World

Well, the winter olympics have rolled around again. I spent the evening watching the Opening Ceremonies and having dinner with the Cooks. One of the luge runners was killed in the morning on a practice run and everyone was so sad. A bright spot , RB got an invite to a dance, the person plastered the front door with a dozen valentines with the question and name of the girl on the back of one of them! Remember those days? I wonder how he will answer?
Today another grey, cloudy and wet winter day. Some thoughts on how to get yourself moving on these days. If my world were perfect, the sun would shine every day and I would spend hours basking in the sun soaking it up doing something fun like gardening, reading a book or day dreaming. Real World: I can open all the curtains to let the light in or turn on all the lights. I read that sunlight increaes your level of serotonin, a hormone that helps elevate your mood. Next: In a my perfect world......I energize myself by having lunch with good friends or family every day. But, in my real world, I resort to chatting with the girls every day or call a good friend to see how their day is going. In my perfect world........I would go to the gym everyday.
In my real world, I try to get my retail therapy and exercise in at the same time by walking up and down the isles at my favorites stores. I know even a little exercise energizes me. In my perfect world.......I would spend more time hugging trees and channel their energy through me. In my real world I look at the trees from inside knowing they are giving off loads of oxygen that makes my life better. In my perfect world........I would go to bed early and sleep soundly for 8 hours, waking rested and ready for another wonderful day in my life. In my Real life, my bladder controls my interrupted sleep pattern! Oh well. In my perfect life........I'd faithfully write in my journal every day which helps sort out my thoughts and relieve energy-draining anxieties. In my Real life, I procrastinate always planning to catch up. Now that I have this little blog I am doing better. I also hope to add just one things each time that I am thankful for. Today I am thankful the many young men who are far away from home fighting for our freedom.

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