Sunday, February 14, 2010

Witty Knitters

I joined The Prayer Shawel Ministry at the Methodist church. The great group of ladies call themselves "The Witty Knitters".......Some are , some are not witty. They are a very diverse group. Middle age and up, whatever that makes us. Some are alone like me, some still have a mate to rush home and cook dinner for when we leave. Their homes are not the new modern ones sprouting up, but older lived in ones with wonderful treasures and walls covered with family photos, a record of their long and interesting lives. Lucille is a Christmas collector and her little trailer was wall to wall with Santas and Christmas decorations, just looking leaves very little time to concentrate on your knitting. Jackie has a love of native art, the kind I grew up with, and I loved her home with her collections wonderfully displayed. Each month several shawls are turned in and blessed before they are passed on to people needing the extra comfort of one of our treasures. It is a very satisfying volunteer service. These people are very talented in many areas, so interesting and uplifting. The bright colored knitting bags and the colorful yarn of the shawls or balls waiting to be transformed into treasures by one stich at a time bring the rainbow to our room.Of course, there are always great snacks accompanied by your choice of soft drinks, coffee or tea. I look forward each month to sharing my time and talents with these great people. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a "Witty Knitter!"

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