Saturday, February 6, 2010


At the end of my kitchen counter hanging above my phone is my calendar. It hangs there today as it has since I moved into my place 23 years ago. Each year I receive various calendars from advertisers, beautiful pictures of vacation retreats, animals, flowers and a few years my sweet daughter Sherrie made me a calendar with family pictures on each month, I cherished them. Today I have a calendar with thought provoking sayings to great me each day. However, the months and dates line up the same --or not.
Did you realize your calendar tells you what you are spending your time and life doing? It's a moral indicater. The first day of each month I start filling in each date with doctor appointments, grandchildren's events to attend. Monthy bridge dates, knitting group, coffee dates with friends, condo meeting, nail and hair appointments. Play or movie tickets I have. Birthdays of family and friends I need to remember. As the month progresses I add invitations to dinner with family, car service dates, repairman dates or whatever happens in everyday living. On the boarder I pencil in things on my "todo" list like wash the car, change furnace filters and many things I put off if not written down. I just realized how much I depend on that little piece of paper to keep my life organized and moving smoothly along. How about you?
Today I am having lunch at the country club with two dear friends, Pat and Elaine. It is Pat's birthday and we do this every year for each other. Our birthday club started at least 40 years ago with eight, now we are down to three and cherish our friendships. Yes, it is on my calendar and has been for three weeks!

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