Sunday, February 7, 2010


Yes, I have joined the 80,000 Americans watching the super bowl this Sunday evening, February 7, 2010. I do know that I am enjoying all those big guys in "very tight" pants rolling around on top of each other. I am really watching because of the great commercials that are on! I just say, "may the best team win"....... and they will. I don't really know anything about football, but with many of my family dedicated I decided I better change my attitude and get with it......You know change your attitude, change your life. Some of the following might be easier to handle.
We need to engage our brain! Music is great. I play the piano, love to dance and love to listen to REAl music.
Crossworld puzzels, Suduko, or any card game, is good to challenge your brain.
Study a foreign language, these new sounds, words and meanings keep your mind sharp.
Travel, explore new places , see new things, meet new people, use your new language.
Stay informed about what is going on in the country, your state or community. Read the paper and watch the news on TV.
Start a new hobby that challenges you. Learn to knit, sew, cook, garden, learn to play bridge, Pan or Banco. Learn a new skill.
Involve yourself with your surroundings. Join clubs, volunteer, attend lectures, play, festivals and Church groups.
Get creative, test your artistic abilities with painting, drawing, writing, photography, sewing or decorating.
Get involved with your family, especially your grandchildren, you can learn alot from them! What am I thankful for today? That the New Orleans stadium has been rebuilt so they could have the Super Bowl there. Those poor people deserve some goodness.........

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