Saturday, February 20, 2010

I Have Piles...........

Yes, I have piles.........not the medical kind, but lots of piles of stuff on the counter, on the table, on my dresser and in the office where I can close the door. How do just a few things your going to get to, turn into a whole pile of stuff your going to get to? I have a pile of magazines I'm going to read soon I hope.......or not. An accumulation of small note books with various notes, I need to pile them on the counter so I don't have to hunt every time I need an answer. I tear pages out of magazines , receipts, pictures of clothes or jewlery, cartoons, household suggestions or just an article I want to read eventually, but don't have the time right now. My monthly bills that I don't want lost, my credit card receipts, memos, coupons. These are things I know what to do with, these are good piles. Then I have an indecision pile. Coupons, I might need, an email that looks interesting, a store add good for a week, etc. If I have a project going I like to have every thing I need handy, I look at that as a good pile. Thing is if I'm having company or bridge at my house I carefully take each pile to the office and it has slowly become a "Junk room". Yes, I'm afraid these piles have crept into some drawers, closets and cupboards........and laundry room.......oh yes, and the garage. They say "organized out.......organized in" Does that mean my mind is disorganized to? Well, yes sometimes I think I am. Is there a cure for piles? I guess I will just start with put away or throw step at a time, that starts today. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Trying to keep up with the Olympics, Haiti and The Tiger Wood story, all history some day. I am thankful for my sweet little dog lying at my feet.

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