Wednesday, February 3, 2010

JUST A THOUGHT...........

Are you spending your money on life experiences such as a vacation, a meal out, a play or movie or are you spending it on material things? As we grow older we realize that spending money on things to store in our "Memory Capital" to draw on later gets more important with each year of our life. Also think of the things in life that don't cost anything. A sunset, a baby animal, a good friend etc. I love all my "things" and I am sure they will make a great garage sale when I die and the girls clean out my house, but day by day I find they are not me. I have traveled the world and I have many momentos that triger wonderful memories of far away lands and good times, but I also have all those memories filed away in my mind. As you grow older your needs seem to be less and you appareciate people instead of things. I have many hobbies that keep me busy, I love movies and of course any time I can be with family, that is my priority. I look forward each day to hearing from one or all of my girls, a phone call makes my day! What I am thankful for today is my health. What more can I ask?

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