Monday, November 27, 2017


As you can see I am already looking forward to next weekend and it is only Monday morning????  This getting up in the dark is for the more month of the days getting shorter......then we start working on the days getting longer....YEA.
                    Do you realize......Life is just an Echo?
                    What we send out, comes back.......What we sow......we reap.......What we give .....we get,.....What bothers us in others also exists in us.....SCAREY.....So now and then stop and remember, Life is an Echo and always gives back to give lots of goodness each day.
               Well lets see todays list......clean the fish bowl, empty the dish washer, do the floors, Relief Society ladies coming, get showed and dressed before they Patty and Shirley about tomorrows movie date, make dentist appointment.....finish wrapping  Christmas gifts and decorating the house.....Boy this list will take me ALL week!......IS IT TOO EARLY TO BE LOOKING FORWARD TO FRIDAY?

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