Monday, November 13, 2017


MONDAYS ........Are so hard!.....Ken and I have our routine and the weeks are busy and go pretty fast......Thank goodness he is through with his Brain Change has been a long haul for him.  With the time change it was dark when he got home and getting up at 7;00 AND home at 7;00 three days a week really made long days for him ........he loves going home two days every week end.
Yesterday put a baby quilt together for Annie......her baby shower is coming up soon,  So excited to have two great-grandchildren now!!!  Spent some quality time with Aaron last week as Pam had him from Wednesday night till Sunday night......working on the potty training!
Have bridge on Wednesday.....Thursday the neighbors invited me to drive up to one of their favorite breakfast places in Midway.......I love Midway and just hope it doesn't snow.......then another week flys by AND I AM PUTTING UP MY CHRISTMAS TREE this weekend!  December is shaping up to be a very busy month.......Really need to do some house cleaning today.

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