Tuesday, November 7, 2017

TURKEY DAY...........

Can't believe every store is decorated for Christmas and shelves lined with goodies and no Pilgrims or Turkeys in sight.......Really does give a person the urge  to drag out the Christmas decorations.....I keep buying cute little Christmas decorations.....if you wait they are all picked over or gone by Christmas!.......Now if I can just remember where I put everything......Really turned c old today and snowed at the ski resorts.
Got an invitation to a baby shower for Andrea the 2nd of Dec so ran out and bought material and batting to put together the cute little animal blocks I embroidered so I can give it to her.   The baby due in January sometime......a girl!  Sherrie said she was invited and I guess Pam will be.
This time change thing can really do you in for a few days .....the clock says 7;30 But your body says Oh no ......it is 8:30 on my schedule......?

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