Thursday, November 23, 2017


So much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.......
What am I doing to celebrate????
Just what I want to!
I planned on going to McDonalds for a Happy Meal with extra fry sauce, but so many people felt sorry for me and invited me to join their family dinners....guess I won't do that.  Two neighbors invited me.....two different good cousin.....they all think it is about the FOOD, BUT to me Thanksgiving is about family and love.  Last night the Christensons took me and Darren's mother to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner and just being with Sher and her kids is what I love.  They invited me to go up to the cabin with them......but they had plans to hit the stores at 6;00 for Black Friday shopping tonight and it would be for the whole weekend...... and they were going to have a house full........which would be nice to be with them, but now days......with the dog.....home is easier.  I will eat my left overs from last night and go to a movie......or two this weekend and get on  with my Christmas decorating and wrapping.  So nice to to feel free to say "NO THANKS"......without guilt or obligation.
With the past history of my HAPPY THANKSGIVINGS.......No really good memories.   Don was always flying and none of the Petersons included the girls and just became another day in our lives alone and so today the tradition goes on........but I will be thinking of all my sweet family and hope they have the best day ever! 

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