Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Yep......I am a day late......but got busy celebrating Halloween!  Hope everyone had a fun and safe day.  The weather was great and I had about 50 kids come by.  Turned off the light when I ran out off candy.
Early went over to Pam's to see my cute Great-grandson dressed like Mickey Mouse in his cute monster truck his mom had made him......thank goodness for masking turned out great!  He is almost 3 so really got the hang of trick or treat this year.......Had pizza and enjoyed Rob's front yard full of blow ups and his 3 witches stirring their brew in the front hall......Rob also enjoys this Holiday.
I was invited down to the neighbors for Chili and pie ......a neighborhood gathering which is always fun.....then home to answer the door for a couple of hours.   Last year I had one child come by....what a difference.
TODAY I AM CELEBRATING KEN'S LAST DAY OF THE "BRAIN CHANGE" CLASSES!!!!! And I don't need to tell you how happy KEN is.  This was one of his other Grandma's wild ideas and it cost the kids a fortune.   It might be helpful to younger kids but not 19 year olds who are involved in serving a really feel out of place lining up with all the little kids going in,

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