Sunday, November 26, 2017


He didn't like the casserole and he didn't like my cake.......
He said my biscuits were to hard.....not like Mother use to make.......
I didn't make the coffee right, he didn't like my stew......
I didn't fold his pants the way.....his mother used to do.......
I pondered for an answer....I was looking for  clue.......
Then I turned around and smacked the shit out of him......
Like his mother use to do!!!!!!!
With the news so full of women coming forth with harassment charges against so many men I think it is time for all you girls to step up and say....."you don't own me, treat me like you would your mother, sister or daughter".......I look back with many regrets of not speaking up!  Women are not just for sex and having babies......we are people too!
Last Friday my sweet Relief Society teacher's grandson was killed in a car wreck......she lives at the end of my street......I am so sad for her.....he was only 17.  Knitting a Christmas sock for Libby......

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