Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Well Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner!  So put away the Halloween decorations and get out the pilgrims and turkeys.......November is here and we change time on Sunday.
The big news of the day........TODAY IS KEN'S LAST "BRAIN CHANGE" has been a long hall for both of was expensive and he should have done it many years ago when he was younger and the brain was just forming......his other grandmother pushed it!!!  I love this kid and love having him here serving his mission......Yes, he is kinda different.......but aren't we all?  This picture was taken the night he got his Eagle Scout Award.......He is here to help make me a better me.........and I am very proud of him.
This week flying is make out bills day, tomorrow off to an afternoon of lunch and Mexican Train at Shirleys........and then it is weekend again!

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