Monday, November 13, 2017


I can feel for the Turkeys of the world........They end up someones Thanksgiving dinner and get practically ignored now days.......HALLOWEEN.......then CHRISTMAS!.......and some where in between we squeeze in THANKSGIVING.  Thanksgiving has never been a big day for me.......I had a husband that always flew on family close by on my side and the Petersons never included the girls and I........SO it was just another day in our lives.  When Pam got married she always spent it with the Panniers in St. George.......I could count on one hand the turkeys I have cooked in my life!!!!
I am so ready to put up my Christmas Tree and start decorating the house.....this week.  We have not had any snow down here yet and only a little at the ski resorts.  But it is cold and frosty most days.  I am happy with no snow!!
What are my plans this year for Thanksgiving???  I plan to get a McDonald's HAPPY MEAL with extra fry sauce and take in a movie......YOUR SAFE IN MY HOUSE MR TURKEY!

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