Sunday, July 26, 2015


Some days I can hardly wait to get to my blog I am so full of thoughts and fun things to write.......and some days......well some days I just sit there and stare out the window or have so many things going on in my head I get any of them to stop long enough to write about them......Today nothing!  I did get a little message off to my sweet Missionary Brayden.. .....He has almost reached his 1 one year mark and we will start counting down till he comes home.......I guess I could write a book about what these young people go through when they leave home for two years to live in a strange place, with a strange person that is their shadow day and night.  Told to stay centered on a strange language and many have not yet got a real testimony and know scriptures, they are living and meeting a rainbow of people and have to reinvent themselves to fit a small town or area they came from they might have been a big fish in a small puddle.......but in a big new place they are a tiny fish in a big puddle.....Love them all and know it is a learning experience........DONE!

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