Monday, July 20, 2015


My sweet missionary Brayden is such an inspiration to me......and everyone that knows him.   He just has that spark.  Here he is in Spokane with a cute girl that grew up with his mother, Julie Rice a family home evening gathering.  Really a small world.  He almost has one year in the field, and he has had some struggles with companions and all but we all have our days where we feel we can't survive.  Sometimes dreams are shattered.....friendships may fall apart.....loved ones may hurt us or die.......finances may worry us.....sickness may over take us......but if we have faith we know God will guide us through even the toughest of times so just hang on and have faith.  
I hope I don't have another year like this my fingers crossed the house sale goes through in about 10 days and I can soon get out from under my debts.  Last night my fun nephew, Mike, and his family came by and helped me eat the barrel of pasta salad I made........I gave three of my neighbors some and will be eating pasta chicken/fruit salad all week!  Pam got home from Minneapolis this morning and Robbie has been helping me get the last of the paper work done for the house are great.

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