Friday, July 10, 2015

ABOUT TO GIVE UP..........

I truly know this to be true.......but it is oh so say some of the mean things you are feeling and thinking.....but no one can fight alone so just walk off.
Two fun days with friends.....yesterday was Bonnie's we celebrated with lunch and Mexican Train at Shirley's house.......lost my keys and got a long list of to-do's from the buyer of my house......will this never end????? The boys said we could handle it next week......I just want it done.!
Got a new wireless printer a couple of days ago and having trouble with it already.....I hate all these fancy new gadgets......maybe someone will come by and help me out.
Today Patty and Ruth came for lunch.....with these two anything goes....Patty lost her husband about six weeks ago and Ruth's could go any time....... mine has been gone 29 years the 18th of this month......hard to feel sorry for them and I want to tell them life single isn't all bad.
Guess I'll do a movie and church this weekend.......not much else happening.

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