Sunday, July 5, 2015


I find to often anymore I am a day late and a dollar short.........but honestly I didn't have a minute to wish my family Happy Fourth of July..........All the kids were out of town having fun with their what does a lonesome old grandma do????......She calls up her friends .....whose kids are out of town and they are lonesome.......and we put out heads together to see what trouble we can get into. Sooooo we started out at Gardener village.....shopped around and had lunch......then home to let all our dogs out to pee and then off to a movie......then I had to water Pam's flowers and feed the fish and let my dog out again.....In the mean time Shirley losses her keys and cannot get into her house......a little panic to spark up the day......she finally found her son who had another set of keys........(these old ladies, I am sure Scott was thinking)....... and we were off to get some dinner before the program and fireworks at Holiday Elementary......we were quite early........Oh yes, as we went to get in the car to leave for dinner I crawled into the backseat of Bonnie's car......and under the front seat were Shirley's keys!!!! we all decided not to tell this to Scott for a few days.......a quick dinner ......then off to set up our chairs and get a good parking spot.  Fun evening "people watching" before the band got there and wonderful fireworks.....I got home finally at 11:45......after starting off at 10:30....13 hours on the go.....IWASDONE!
I just want the kids to know.......I got along wonderfully before you came along and I will get
along with or without you now!...but, not because I want to!

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