Sunday, July 12, 2015


There is always time for a little prayer......and god always listens.........
I think back and try to remember how many times I have said NEVER......Never say "Never"......I am trying to eliminate it from my vocabulary.....I have learned there are things I prefer, and others I avoid, but the word never leaves no room for unseen situations, and never covers a long, long time.......with the many unknowns of life.
A THOUGHT:  Everything exists on the planet for a reason.  Everyone thing has a purpose.  There are no freaks, misfits or accidents.  There are only misunderstandings and mysteries not yet revealed to mortal man by God.......A great story and example of this is a woman complaining of the terrible swarms of bush flies that flew into her ears, nose, throat and clung to her skin.  She hated them and fought them off and could not understand why the natives of this tribe stood still until they moved on......A caring member told her everything in Oneness has a you they are bad, but to us they are necessary and helpful.  They crawl down our ears and clean out the wax and sand from sleeping on the ground, they climb up our nose and clean it out so we can breath better and they eat up the dead skin our body is constantly slufing off each day......and we eat their larva  for it makes you stop and think and ponder how these people with so little........ have so much......and can be so smart learning to live with what they have and endure..
Went to church this morning and to see the Minions.......could hardly stay awake.

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