Friday, July 24, 2015

HAPPY 24TH OF JULY........ is just FRIDAY for most of the states......but in Utah it is an especially fun FRIDAY.    It is the time the Mormons celebrate Utah being settled by Brigham of the leaders of our they came over the hill and looked into the valley......there was a big lake and one tree......and it was hot like the desert.  Today there is a big parade, rodeo and fireworks.  A couple of my friends and I are off to an early dinner, a movie and then find a good spot to set up our chairs to watch fire works.  It is a little windy but a nice day for a celebration.  I use to celebrate with my family.......but now days they all do their own thing so I have to also.  Christensons are at their cabin in Park City, the Panniers went to Island Park....(they did invite me to go the night before, but I had made my own plans by then)......and the Cooks, who knows.  Oh well, happy 24th to all of them.  My new neighbors did invite me to go up the canyon and cook breakfast with their family, which is so nice.
When you  discover the world around you discover the world within you!
Be sure there is no room in your crayon box for the black crayon...
What is my desire?......To live in peace with that word.."........"Myself".

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