Wednesday, July 15, 2015

HABA NA HABA (little by little)........

What is it about a boy and a dog........that just seem to go together? This is my darling grandson Alex with his new puppy.........  His first real dog "Doug" run over about 10 days ago and here he is grinning happily with "Lil Red"......I hope Red stays out of the road......Dougie didn't!!!!!
Today I hoped would end the paper work on my condo......they inspected the furnace and put the "green" sticker on......which I have no idea what it was for but had to be done.....sweet Rob was there supervising and Pam with a vacuum to clean up after them......THEN Hooper called and said......"just one more thing Betty"......I said No.....but I guess I have to come up with a deed of the place which is in the Family Trust at the Lawyers.......maybe ROBBIE will know what to do.    We are suppose to sign two weeks from today.........Haba Na has been a loooooong 10 months. 
Pam off tomorrow for a few days with Nicci and Bill in Minnesota......Rob home with the dogs.
The new Senior Citizen Center of new city......opened today.   My friend Patty was to go with me to the grand opening.......time came and no I went by myself......not much I would want to do this month.....maybe later......she called later and said it was on her calendar for tomorrow........OH WELL.

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