Saturday, July 25, 2015

JUST ONE.......

Think about the first lowly little number one!  Just one!  Very few people want just one of anything anymore.   But there are many wonderful #1's to be had.  One day can make all the difference.  One day can chase old troubles away and bring new blessings.  One day can put problems in perspective and present real solutions.  One day can put you back on track or on a better path.  One day can change your whole outlook and make you feel new again,.......I hope that one day is today for all of us who are struggling in our lives.  Think back ......there is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.  It might be a person you meet, it might be a book you might be a few encouraging words from a friend......but it can happen.......I am thinking my one day could be the day I started back to can't hurt and it might help!
Had a great 24th of July......Nice dinner and movie and then off to Cottonwood Heights to set up our chairs and people watch until the fireworks started.  They had a big DO going up there......carnival rides, tons of food and tents with shows, we wished we had spent the day year?  It was great weather and fun to be with a lot of happy people.

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