Thursday, July 23, 2015


Seems I always think of New Year's as the time for new resolutions to be better and do better. But then I decided why wait for NEW YEARS.....why not now.  My new year can begin anytime!  So I have started to church, I have decided to jump in and get acquainted with the new neighbors....we are all new so no one can judge you......January 1st isn't my only chance; every day is an opportunity to start over or start fresh, to set a goal and reach for a dream, to de-stress and reenergize, to stop worrying and start choose to be healthier and happier.  These choices I can make anytime.
Some of the most amazing people in the world were not perfect;  they were scared by suffering , hardships, losses and imperfections.  But, when they recovered, they were stronger, wiser, and more loving and compassionate.....many went on to contribute much to our world. 
I try to be a good friend and have two very unhappy good just lost her husband and is completely lost in the world of today as how to live her life that is left......all by herself.  She keeps waiting for someone to tell her what to do......because he always did!  The other person is watching her husband die and worries constantly how can I go on.........having been divorced for 29+ years......I try and tell them......only they can make themselves happy and finish off their lives......don't depend on kids, neighbors  or extended family to do it.......they are too busy living their own lives.......and there are many trials ahead for each one in his own circumstances.........I have been there....done that and lived to have many wonderful years and good times.  We had lunch together today and I felt so helpless on knowing how to lighten their burdens.  They will be in my prayers tonight!
Tomorrow is UTAH'S big Mormon celebration........24th of JULY.

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