Sunday, July 5, 2015


 Why does it take so long?  I started to church 3 weeks ago to please my children.......they have been so good to me.....I know in their hearts this is where they want me to be.....and they have no idea how hard it has been for me to get here......since last October my life has been on their terms.....move, live with Pannier's (which was great fun), empty boxes and find places for your things and find many missing that were not your choice to give to the DI......try and sell the condo for four and a half months.......It is finally under contract.....but was once before......I have cried barrels and been so depressed......but three weeks ago I decided I had been asking so much from God.......maybe I should show him I could give a little so went to church with my darling neighbors the HILLS.....and guess what.......I enjoyed it and I am anxious to know everyone in our small ward and my inner peace is coming many of my neighbors are LDS I want to belong and help out and be helped.  Today I was amazed......Sherrie had put the church books in my "IPAD" and in class when everyone was looking up the scriptures they were using I could find them also.....I am lucky to have God, have children and good neighbors......and hopefully when I sell the condo and pay the boys back I will find INNNER peace again.  I don't want my last days to end like they have been......I am sorry all of my children are at war with each other and me......but I have to find peace other places and maybe God is testing me for some reason.......HAPPY SUNDAY.

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