Monday, June 15, 2015


Does anyone really know why they were born????  Are we suppose to know why?  Some of us were happy surprises and some not so happy a surprise.......Maybe we just have to accept it as God's plan.....and not question it.  I was disappointed I didn't hear from my sweet missionary......but I know it is hard for him to answer everyone every week.  Tomorrow is Sherrie and Darren's 25th wedding anniversary and they finally made it to Lake Powell yesterday.......after running out of gas etc.  They were very surprised to run into the Cooks who were there with a group of friends........I was happy to hear there was no rock throwing.  Kenny and I had a busy day shopping, lunch at McDonald's, etc.  Patty Beltz stopped by for coffee.
Very quiet summer....wish I could get back into knitting or reading or something.    Books are such a good means of escape.   A good book is like bounding out the front door into the world, or jumping on a freight train, or stowing away on a ship.....books take you places, to the hideouts of bandits, to contemporary Burma where folks are no different than we are......well, maybe different but really the same.  They take you deeper than even conversations or friendships can, inside minds and hearts,  so that for a little while you can become someone else.....perhaps your hero.  Did you ever walk into a book store or library and feel as though you are in a train station or at an airport with innumerable vessels ready to carry you away?  Did you realize the art of being yourself, your most generous, empathic, imaginative self, is fed by experiencing the lives of others?  One of the saddest things I can think of is not being able to read!  That is something I can add to my Gratitude list.........

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