Tuesday, June 16, 2015

NOT PERFECT.........

How do you tell your children how much you love them.......as they are growing up you try not to make mistakes, get angry or even cry in front of them......are you saving it until you are old and they are never around to see you being human????  Yes my feelings do get hurt, yes I get lonesome my heart aches and  I seem to cry a lot more. I know they all have their own lives.....and family responsibilities, and I taught them well......but even phone calls mean the world to old people......I have my darling grandson Kennedy with me for a few days and I even went to see Jurassic World with him today and then stopped at IHop for lunch.  Pam and Rob stopped by for a few minutes to get Rob's birthday presents and then were off to meet his two sisters for ice cream.......Rob's father died 3 years ago today.   AND  today is Sherrie's 25th wedding anniversary!  And I am tired and going to bed!

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