Sunday, June 21, 2015


Happy Birthday to one of the best friends I have ever had.......Robby my first son-in-law.  I took he and Pam in for 6 months while they built a house........then he reciprocated and took me in 4 months while my house was being built and through this all we have enjoyed so many fun things.  Robby is FUN.......and the family will all agree on that.  Robby is FAIR......and the family will all agree on that......where ever he is....... is a party.  He is good to my daughter and a wonderful Dad to his three children and now a wonderful grandpa to Aaron.  He has been so good to me and is my brick I lean on.  He loves to fish and hunt.......he works hard and plays hard.  Rob, I hope you have many more birthdays.......I think you are 38 + 20......whatever that makes!  OH YES......HAPPY FATHER'S DAY ALSO

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