Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Every day we should wake up with the thought to be better than we were the day before......I have come to the conclusion to improve myself I need to tend to the spiritual aspect of my life that I have been neglecting because of past hurts.  Like many people I may benefit from an outside-the-box option that had not occurred to a spiritual one.  Yes. prayer is and always has been part of my life, but maybe I need a little something more.  You never know when these break through moments are going to hit you.....perhaps a bad accident, a death in the family, in my case it has been a move from a very comfortable place in my life to the unknown......with debt, the family breaking up, and strangers surrounding me.  Most of us are on a kind of autopilot, a track we've been on since our birth, but we don't have to follow the track indefinitely into our future.  It is never too late to wake up from this arbitrary path and live a truly different and amazing and beautiful life in the years we have left.
Spent a fun afternoon with some of my favorite people playing bridge and sharing our latest happenings.  I am trying to teach Gigi about the electric fence in the back yard so she can have more freedom......but at 13, she's not to interested in changing her ways.  Ivan brought me over a big zuck from his son's garden......such good neighbors.

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