Sunday, June 21, 2015


Oh, how I adored this man.....Richard H. Yeomans (Dick).  You were tall dark and handsome, you were a good husband and father and friend and very honest.  You were quiet...... yet lots of fun......I never doubted how much you loved me and were always there for me backing my every silly whim.....and being proud of me in my growing up years when I so needed your approval.  As I try to see through my tears and heart ache this father's day trying to reach out to you......I hope you hear me.......and know how lonesome I get for you.  I am sorry every child never had a father like you and feel so guilty that my choice of a father for my three precious daughters was such a disaster........they were so cheated out of a role model and caring, loving Dad.  I just can't think of the words that tells you what you have meant to me......I loved you very much and still do. I know you would be proud to be grandpa to my three beautiful families and remember how you loved Pam and the twins so much.

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