Thursday, June 4, 2015


Yes, I do have good friends and they say you have to be a good friend to have a good friend........Everyone has good days and bad days and you need to be there for friends when they are having a bad day......Yesterday was Shirley's so she came over for dinner.....she left feeling I opened the door and there stood Patty......having a down day.  She lost her husband a month ago and can't get use to being alone with nothing to do.....You always feel better after a cup of coffee or tea.  What is interesting is they think I am helping them.......they don't know who much their visits help me!  I sometimes think a lot of this is due to us getting older........Most of us in our twenties are trying hard to be who and what we think we should be, but we don't have the inner confidence that comes with years of experience.  When we constantly try and live all the should's and shouldn'ts that are given us, it's no wonder we have a hard time accepting aging. 
I guess once we given up the notion that "youth" is king, we can tell ourselves the truth of who we are and what we are.  We can miss certain parts of our past......all that energy, size 10 body  and maybe a better memory but we now have gained confidence, wisdom, experience.......handicap sticker,  discounts days at some stores and senior discounts at the movies!!!!!!  When you start valuing these gifts.......grey hair and wrinkles won't be all bad.

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