Saturday, June 6, 2015


With the millions of people on this earth.......why let one person take you down?  I am struggling with this mind tells me one thing, my heart tells me another.  No one can stop you from loving them.....even though they turn their back on you and your family......and try to walk out of your life.....Yes, they can,  but do they not know they are taking a little piece of you with them.......I wish Karrie would see what she is doing to our family.......and I only hope one of her three children never do it to her.......but as you know...."what goes round, comes round?"  We are all so excited for Annie who is getting married in August......I hope we get invited.
Have enjoyed an evening watching the lighting and listening to the thunder and rain out my office window.  Pam came by and helped with a couple of things and we had a good visit and ended up at "Grumbe's" for a rice bowl dinner.  Rob has been at the cabin all week, Pam and I  both have a miserable cold.  My old neighbor Bev Taft called and said there was a big red, white and blue 'for sale' sign out on the road for my condo.....Finally!   Please.....please somebody buy my house?..... So I can pay off my loan, Darren and Robby........and die not a debtor!
I cannot go to bed with such a heavy will add this darling granddaughter and her cute hubby .......knowing they love me and are happy in Minnesota and doing so well at General Mills and traveling all over to friends weddings and business.  Love ya Nicci and Bill.

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