Monday, June 8, 2015

LEARN THIS........

With the millions of people in the world.......why pick the ones who make you feel bad to hang out with?  Does misery love company?  My sweet Nicci just called me to tell me she loved me, takes so little to make my day anymore!
Happiness is the experience of having lived a life that feels is worth while.  Happiness to me, is the natural experience of winning your own self-respect, as well as the respect of others.  I think I can say with honesty......most people respect me.  Happiness should not be confused with indulgence, escapism or hedonistic pleasure seeking.  You can't smoke, inhale or snort happiness.  You can't buy it, drive it, fly it, swallow it, inject it or travel to it.  Happiness is the journey, not the destination.......Elusive as a butterfly, happiness come only to those who feel it without chasing it, and who can give it away without expecting a pay off.
My house has been with a Real Estate Agent for a week and it is interesting to see the comments of the people...I do appreciate seeing there is some action on it finally.....just made my third payment on the loan today.......and it isn't fun! Talked to the Mexican yard people today and explained I was planning on putting up a privacy panel and needed the sprinkler systems moved so we could dig postholes........they were darling and didn't even complain so I took them out a bottle of cold water for each one.....I have learned it really gets you further making friends with the help!

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