Friday, June 5, 2015

WHAT NOT TO DO........

                         As I struggle with getting settled into a new house, a new neighborhood, a new life I keep wanting to go back.....but I know there is no going back in never get a second chance to my memories are what keep me going.....They are good memories and I feel sorry for the folks that don't have good memories to fall back on.
                         Don't let this world make you bitter.  Don't let the actions of other people turn you cold on the inside.  Certain things happen that hurt us, people come....... they leave us and most of all there are moments when your bound to fail.  Don 't let those things make you unkind.  It's Okay to cry.....It's Okay to be sad.   But, it's never Okay to do other people wrong just because you were done wrong......We're human.  We break....we make mistakes .....but don't let pain and sadness run your live.  Wake up in the morning and do what you think is right.  There are moments in your life when you feel like giving up and you can't take it any more.....It's Okay ........I know I am weak.....but things that show our weak side are all so the same ones that make us stronger in the long run......It's all about taking whatever life throws at you and learning from it......Thank goodness I learned a lot of this 27 years since my husband walked out....Today I went to Lowes and Home Depot and checked out fencing for the dog and how to order a privacy panel...Did I enjoy it....not particularly.....but someone had to do it!!!!!
                     Sherrie called me and it made my day......

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