Monday, March 16, 2015


I guess you can still be OK and have a lot on your mind.......because I am sure most of us do have lots on our minds...........When will my condo long will I have to pay on a loan for much is my move going to will I get everything I stored moved out of here and Karrie's and my house........and does any of this really matter in my life to be a success or have a successful life.  I guess the secret of success is simple knowing that one dream is enough to set it in motion, that one good decision is enough to put you on the right path, that one step is all it takes to get going, that one ray of hope can keep you going, and that one person can make it all happen:,,....YOU!  I am just trying to have faith and hang in there that it will all end happily ever after.........
72 degrees today and did a few chores.  ROBBY home from the Nash Car Races in Phoenix and we zipped off to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner.

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